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StereoNET review Stax 2G

17th July 2024

Posted in: News

"It's hard to think of an alternative product with anything like this modular system's decorative potential"

"This is a fine-sounding, good-looking, and endlessly modular solution that's well worth auditioning"


Expert reviewer Simon Lucas gets his hands on our all-new Stax 2G to understand how our high-fidelity furniture can be the ideal platform for your system, to both perform and look its best in any interior space.

Up close, Simon is impressed with the aesthetic, saying "the relative lack of shelf bulk, along with the complete absence of visible steel, puts this, to my eyes at least, ahead of the competition where decorative potential is concerned" adding "the Blok Stax 2G is just as serious about its role in your audio system as any other credible equipment rack."

Have used multiple different racks manufactured by extremely reputable brands to test out his system in the past, he was curious to know how the Stax 2G would compare. Upon listening, Simon stated "it is pleasing to report that the Blok Stax 2G's effect on its performance is entirely positive" and noticing many subtle differences, adds "the biggest improvement is the way the system creates a soundstage".

Putting it through its paces, listening to the likes of Young Holt Unlimited's Young and Holtful and Arooj Aftab's Vulture Prince, Simon mentions a number of improvements, such as "a hint of additional clarity at the very top of the frequency range", "sounds just that little bit more open, that little bit better defined and organised" and "a touch more space on the stage between the competing elements of the recording and a little more elbow room in which each performer can express themselves".

In StereoNET's verdict, Simon summarised "if your hi-fi system supports are rudimentary and/or cheap and cheerful, then this will deliver a very meaningful improvement in sound quality and look the part".


Read the full review Discover more about Stax 2G